Homemade almond butter

The multiple benefits almonds have are no secret, that's why this nut seats at the top of the lists of superfoods. The ways to consume them are infinite; by itself, in salads, in the form of flour to make sweets or breads, as a beverage based on vegetable milk, with yogurt and cereals, or for example our favourite, in the form of butter.

That is why, this week in our J O U R N A L, we share our recipe of a practical and very healthy (pure) almond butter.

 What do you need?

  • 500 grams of natural almonds

  • A good grinder or blender

  • A little bit of patience

 How to do it?

  1.  Preheat the oven to 200 ºC.

  2.  Place the almonds on a large enough tray so that they do not overlap.

  3.   Bake for 10 minutes.

  4. Let them rest for 5- 10 minutes.

  5. Crush them patiently until they form a cream. Our recommendation is to do it little by little, mixing from time to time so you don't force the blender or the grinder.

  6. And that's it! Pour the butter into a glass jar and keep it in the fridge.

 (CLICK on the video to see step by step the details of the recipe)

Adriana Gerbasi